



Lady Olianthe claims membership of none of the three great Ordos. She originated among the Calxis Sector's nobility and still favours magnificent ballgowns and elaborate wigs, which would not look out of place in the ballroom of some governor's palace. Beneath the finery, her piercing, ice-cold grey eyes betray a keen and ruthless intelligence. Some say she was originally an Interrogator in the employ of Lord Inquisitor Zerbe but there is never any obvious familiarity shown between them. Lady Olianthe is very difficult to know and impossible to befriend, and manages to suggest that everyone around her is her inferior without actually stating it out loud.

It is supposed among her collegues that Lady Rathbone is an Istvaanian because there is often strife and war in her wake. The Calixis sector, to her way of thinking, is bloated and irredeemable, and desperately needs a major cataclysm to weed out its weak and corrupt citizens. Thile not averse to combating particularly horrible threats like Chaos cultists or the mutants she personally despises, Lady Olianthe is also constantly on the lookout for ways to manipulate the power structures of the Calixis Sector towards conflict. Her acolytes often are merely tools for her far reaching plans, easily discarded and replaced if need arises. In the end there is always an endless cue of new acolytes ready for the good fight in the much treasured ranks of the Inquisition.


  • Lady Rathbone seems to be very suspicious about Inquisitor Gallowglass and his retinue. Her grip tightens around his activities and she actively sends agents to aggressively acquire informations about Gallowglass machinations even going so far as to endanger his minions. Although such competition is not uncommon among Inquisitors, there has to be more to it than meets the eye, at least in the eyes of other curious Inquisitors.



  • Sheeva (Sanctioned Psyker)
    • Her psyker powers seemingly center around divination and far seeing.
    • The warp signature of her powers seem to be the smell of glaciers and ice.
    • Formidable duellist with the powersword.
  • Ilveena (Sanctioned Psyker)
    • She was a telekine.
    • Was killed in action, supposedly by an acolyte of Inquisitor Gallowglass.
  • Atheena
  • Suzanna
    • Political advisor of Lady Rathbone.
  • Maroque


  • Tenpenny
    • Rathbone's bodyguard.
  • Pilloe