  Dr. Rae Sunshine is the only child of Dr. Ray 
Sunshine, a prominent physician and professor at 
Johns Hopkins University and a leader in biomedical 
engineering, and Dr. Marie O. Sunshine, head of the 
Bioethics Institute at Johns Hopkins and author of 
several books, including To Test or Not to Test:  My
Medical Experiments on the Poor, Love Machine: Coping
With the Transplant of a Loved One into a Cyborg Body
and Robots Are People Too, Or They Might Have Been at
One Point.'' With parents so intensely devoted to their
respective fields, it was no wonder Rae never 
considered being anything but a physician. Being 
raised in an extremely ethical and scientific 
environment had an odd effect on Rae. While she knows
the "right" action to take in a given situation, the 
natural emotional connection or drive that should 
incite that response just isn't there. She knows that
taking other people?s feelings into consideration is 
a required part of social interaction, and therefore 
tries to, but just doesn't get why others are so 
 Logic is the order of the day and her life is a 
series of checklists. Graduate top of class:  check. 
Get into medical school:  check. Graduate top of her 
class:  check. Seek employment somewhere gritty where
doctors are needed:  check. Become a leader in 
biomedical research. Teach. Publish a book. Get 
married. Have two children, a boy and a girl (or two 
dogs. Same thing.). All of her hobbies are "should 
do's." She was on the track and swim team in high 
school in order to diversify her extracurricular 
activities. She has been president of every team or 
group she has ever joined. Most of her friends are 
minorities or people she doesn't necessarily like, 
and all but one of her boyfriends has been 
unattractive, simply to prove to others (and herself)
that she doesn't discriminate against anyone 
(although she does resent men for the power they 
think they have). She isn't above playing dirty to 
get what she wants, if she feels she rightfully 
deserves it more that the other person (like the 
Student Government Presidency).
 Rae is generally liked by most people as long as they don't meditate too 
deeply on the relationship or require too much of her attention. Her closest
friend is (gay) Andy Roma, a fellow medical student who is deeply humored by
her low empathy and general social awkwardness. She has had few romantic 
relationships, most notably with Dr. Simon Mendelev, a military doctor from 
Australia. This is the only time Rae has been in love and allowed herself to
act (slightly) impulsively. The relationship ended in a broken engagement 
and Dr. Sunshine's sudden acceptance of a position at Mars General Hospital.
Needless to say, this was not part of her plan and the burn was enough to 
teach her that people really do suck and distance is required. She threw her
self into her work and has been frantically trying to keep preoccupied ever 
since. Freelance work off the holonet seemed like the perfect distraction 
when Dr. Feinstein forced her to use her vacation time.